Carolyn’s Coaching
What if you could get from the heart of the matter to the heart of your audience — consistently and compellingly? You can with one-on-one speech coaching from Certified World Class Speaking Coach, Carolyn Jenkins.
Are you ready?
Are you ready to take your speaking to new heights?
To become, in fact, three times the speaker you now are?
Not just with the one speech you’re working on right now. You’ll learn a proven process to craft a compelling speech and to deliver it with confidence.
Why Speak with Heart?
Why Speak with Heart? Why not Speak with Conviction or Speak with Confidence? Is it just a word? Or is it deeper than that?
You want to be convincing, confident, compelling. What evinces these traits more than your passion, your zeal? Your heart! When you dig deep into the heart of the matter, you’re able to seep deep into the heart of your audience.
As Maya Angelou famously expressed it: “I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” Your job as a speaker is to evoke a feeling in your audience that inspires change and that leads to action.
To speak with heart is to speak from your core. And it’s not easy! It requires that you know exactly what point you’re trying to make — and why it matters. Do you want people to buy more widgets so they can produce the best product at the best price for their customers? Do you want people to be inspired to recycle so they leave a softer footprint on the environment? Do you want your boss to promote you so you can contribute to the company at a higher level?
Speaking is more than simple technique. Speaking is opening your heart to your subject matter, to your audience, and to yourself. It’s deeply personal. It requires courage. For when you speak with heart, you become visible. You put your values out there. And that’s what speaking is really all about.
Here are some results you can expect to receive — depending on your exact desired goals:
- Create customized speeches for any audience that single you out as a sought-after speaker.
- Keep your audiences on the edge of their seats just waiting for your next line or story.
- Master the art of selling your message or idea or product/service so that you are an effective communicator.
- Learn how to uncover the humor in your stories and your speech to keep your audience connected to you.
- Go beyond delivering a message to creating an experience for your audience that will stay with them long after the event.
- Connect with your audience more deeply than ever before.
- And much, much more!
Whether your speech is drafted or (better yet) still in the planning stages, you will benefit from the World Class Speaking process.
Whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned speaker, you will benefit from the formulas and tools.
Whether you’re selling a product to hundreds of people at a time or selling yourself to your boss — or anywhere in between — you will benefit from the responsible and responsive persuasive devices of this program.
What Does It Cost?
It doesn’t cost anything, but there is an investment you will need to make in yourself and in your long-term ability to excel at your sales presentations, earn higher fees as a professional speaker, successfully present important ideas to management.
What I’m saying is that there’s a difference between an investment and an expense. Look at this coaching as an investment. What is the actual investment? It’s a one-time fee of $1,500.
Think about it as a one-time fee that can get you paid much higher fees over and over again. It’s the gift that keeps on giving.
Because of my schedule, I accept only 12 students per quarter. Once the spots are gone, they are gone. But I like to reward people who take action. Therefore, the first 10 people to sign up in the current year will get a discount of $500! Thus your investment will be only $1,000.

Options for Our Work Together
Option #1 You come to my office in Concord, NC, and we work together in-person for four hours. You’ll walk away with a new or much-improved speech, new stories, or whatever it is you want to work on that will elevate you and your speaking.
Option #2 We meet Online for two 2-hour sessions (on separate days) and you walk away with the same kinds of results. (I do two shorter sessions online because it’s challenging to stay focused for four consecutive hours on a Zoom call!)
Why Should You Work with Me?
Why me? Well, unlike many speech coaches, I’m a Certified World Class Speaking Coach, recognized by Craig Valentine, 1999 World Champion of Public Speaking. I am trained in an actual system that is proven in practice.
Further, by working with me, you can expect the following results (depending on your own unique goals):
- Your closing ratio will triple so that you can maximize your time and increase your profits.
- You’ll learn how to sell without annoying people so that your audience will be left wanting more of you.
- You’ll be able to present memorably and repeatably so that your audience will begin to spread your message by word-of-mouth leaving you with more time to enjoy life.
- You’ll master the seven questions you need to answer so that you can craft an effective marketing plan.
- Your audiences will know, like, and trust you so that they will be more likely to sign on the dotted line when they meet with you.
- You’ll become known as the expert in your field so you will have credibility with clients and be esteemed by peers.
What Are My Next Steps?
You simply fill out the following form, and I’ll be in touch shortly.
I look forward to working with you and to watching your transformation from good speaker to great speaker, from ordinary to extraordinary, and from unconvincing to compelling!
Your Coach,
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